At | Coords | Directions | For | |||
0. mi | 34.858221 N, -83.584767 E |
Start. Intersection of FS164 and Hwy 197. If you just came down FS164, turn right. Proceed south on Hwy 197. | 2.844336 mi | |||
2.844336 mi | 34.830846 N, -83.584563 E |
Intersection of Hwy 197 and FS26-1 (Wildcat Creek Road). Turn right and proceed west on FS26-1. Avoid roads and trails to left and right. | 8.308537 mi | |||
11.152873 mi | 34.866848 N, -83.652573 E |
Intersection with FS675. FS675 continues straight. FS26-1 continues to left. Turn left and proceed on FS26-1. | 0.414936 mi | |||
11.567809 mi | 34.862975 N, -83.656286 E |
Addis Gap. Swallow Creek WMA sign. Intersection with AT and FS26-2. FS26-2 is unmarked at this intersection. Proceed west, downhill on FS26-2. | 0.912785 mi | |||
12.480594 mi | 34.866206 N, -83.668066 E |
Go around gate, bear right to stay on FS26-2. Continue on FS26-2, avoiding roads and trails to either side. | 2.387004 mi | |||
14.867598 mi | 34.862614 N, -83.700242 E |
FS26-2 becomes paved Mill Creek Road. Continue on Mill Creek Road. | 1.202405 mi | |||
16.070003 mi | 34.869991 N, -83.716260 E |
Intersection with Hwy 75. Turn left and proceed south on Hwy 75. | 0.736216 mi | |||
16.806219 mi | 34.860052 N, -83.720358 E |
Intersection with FS698. Bear left and proceed on FS698. | 4.276938 mi | |||
21.083157 mi | 34.839740 N, -83.678923 E |
Intersection with FS698A. Stay straight on FS698. | 1.029166 mi | |||
22.112323 mi | 34.829736 N, -83.672304 E |
Intersection with FS305. Improperly marked at this intersection. Continue straight on FS698. | 4.957457 mi | |||
27.06978 mi | 34.799171 N, -83.691025 E |
Tray Gap. Intersection with AT and FS79. Turn left and proceed east on FS79. | 2.610597 mi | |||
29.680377 mi | 34.771934 N, -83.688805 E |
Intersection with FS690 (Hickory Nut Approach Trail). FS79 bends sharply away to the left. Bear right and proceed south on FS690. | 0.596098 mi | |||
30.276475 mi | 34.765377 N, -83.690929 E |
End of FS690 (Hickory Nut Approach Trail). Go around dirt pile and proceed south, descending the Hickory Nut Trail. USE CAUTION. This trail very rough with large rocks hiding behind humps and obscured by deep leaves in the fall/winter and ferns in the spring/summer. | 2.521666 mi | |||
32.798141 mi | 34.744451 N, -83.703331 E |
Intersection. Turn right to stay on the Hickory Nut Trail. Continue to use caution. This part of the trail is cleaner but is still pretty rough. | 1.168672 mi | |||
33.966813 mi | 34.732081 N, -83.717075 E |
Intersection with paved South Unicoi Campground Road. Turn left and proceed on South Unicoi Campground Road. | 1.034943 mi | |||
35.001756 mi | 34.723890 N, -83.721849 E |
Intersection with Hwy 356. Turn right and proceed west on Hwy 356. | 1.759203 mi | |||
36.760959 mi | 34.710141 N, -83.740732 E |
Intersection with Hwy 75. Finish. | 0. mi | |||