At | Coords | Directions | For | |||
0. mi | 34.783611 N, -84.259128 E |
Start. Intersection of Shallow Ford Road and Aska Road. If you just crossed the bridge on Shallow Ford Road, turn right. Proceed southwest on Aska Road. | 2.500605 mi | |||
2.500605 mi | 34.805311 N, -84.277539 E |
Intersection with Shady Falls Road. Turn right, proceed northeast on Shady Falls Road. | 0.192533 mi | |||
2.693138 mi | 34.806685 N, -84.275135 E |
Intersection with driveway for Long Branch trailhead parking lot. Turn left and proceed north to Long Branch trailhead parking lot. | 0.064694 mi | |||
2.757832 mi | 34.807549 N, -84.275168 E |
Beginning of Long Branch Trail. Proceed west on Long Branch Trail. | 0.206915 mi | |||
2.964747 mi | 34.808747 N, -84.277657 E |
Long Branch Trail intersects itself from right. Continue straight on Long Branch Trail. | 0.942971 mi | |||
3.907718 mi | 34.818383 N, -84.285092 E |
Intersection with Green Mountain Connector. Turn nearly 180 degrees left and proceed north on Green Mountain Connector. | 0.36097 mi | |||
4.268688 mi | 34.823245 N, -84.285993 E |
Intersection with Green Mountain Trail. Turn left and proceed west on Green Mountain Trail. | 0.18664 mi | |||
4.455328 mi | 34.823650 N, -84.288772 E |
3 way intersection. Stay left, proceed downhill on Lower Green Mountain Trail. | 0.952208 mi | |||
5.407536 mi | 34.816789 N, -84.299468 E |
Intersection with Aska Road. Cross Aska Road, proceed into Aska Adventure Area parking lot. | 0.029909 mi | |||
5.437445 mi | 34.816454 N, -84.299801 E |
Continue past kiosk on Flat Creek Trail. | 0.084146 mi | |||
5.521591 mi | 34.816692 N, -84.301164 E |
Intersection with Stanley Gap Trail. Bear right onto Stanley Gap Trail. Proceed on Stanley Gap Trail. | 0.263755 mi | |||
5.785346 mi | 34.814895 N, -84.301400 E |
Intersection with Flat Creek Connector to the left. Turn right and continue on Stanley Gap Trail. | 1.41637 mi | |||
7.201716 mi | 34.805311 N, -84.321506 E |
Benton MacKaye Trail intersects from the right and joins Stanley Gap Trail. Turn left and continue on Stanley Gap Trail. | 2.029159 mi | |||
9.230875 mi | 34.785981 N, -84.314274 E |
Benton MacKaye continues straight. Stanley Gap Trail continues to right. Turn right and proceed on Stanley Gap Trail. | 0.614026 mi | |||
9.844901 mi | 34.781046 N, -84.312268 E |
Stanley Gap parking lot. Bear right to intersection with Rock Creek Road. Turn right and proceed west on Rock Creek Road. | 2.989543 mi | |||
12.834444 mi | 34.780015 N, -84.360440 E |
Rock Creek Road becomes paved. Continue on paved Rock Creek Road. | 2.224947 mi | |||
15.059391 mi | 34.779857 N, -84.391736 E |
Intersection with Cherry Log Street. Turn right and proceed north on Cherry Log Street. | 0.311001 mi | |||
15.370392 mi | 34.783619 N, -84.389333 E |
Intersection with Goose Island Road. Bear left and proceed on Goose Island Road. | 1.524298 mi | |||
16.89469 mi | 34.787382 N, -84.403399 E |
Pavement ends. Continue on unpaved Goose Island Road. | 1.532483 mi | |||
18.427173 mi | 34.781928 N, -84.425489 E |
Intersection with paved Whitepath Road. Turn right and proceed north on Whitepath Road. | 1.938811 mi | |||
20.365984 mi | 34.807143 N, -84.417121 E |
Intersection with Boardtown Road. Bear right and proceed north on Boardtown Road. | 1.634328 mi | |||
22.000312 mi | 34.828212 N, -84.407143 E |
Intersection with Bushy Head Road. Turn left and proceed on Bushy Head Road. | 1.028817 mi | |||
23.029129 mi | 34.841210 N, -84.414653 E |
Pavement ends. Continue on unpaved Bushy Head Gap Road. | 0.615909 mi | |||
23.645038 mi | 34.849558 N, -84.417400 E |
Bushy Head Gap. Intersection with multiple roads and Benton MacKaye Trail. Bushy Head Gap Road turns to the right. Do not turn right. Proceed ahead, north, downhill on Bushy Head Ct. | 0.875456 mi | |||
24.520494 mi | 34.859770 N, -84.424524 E |
Unpaved Bushy Head Ct. becomes paved Cashes Valley Road. Continue on paved Cashes Valley Road. | 0.03898 mi | |||
24.559474 mi | 34.859753 N, -84.425189 E |
Intersection with unpaved Cashes Valley Road to the left. Bear right and continue on paved Cashes Valley Road. | 2.463251 mi | |||
27.022725 mi | 34.892372 N, -84.421048 E |
Intersection with Old GA Hwy 2. Turn left and proceed west on Old GA Hwy 2. | 5.63195 mi | |||
32.654675 mi | 34.896621 N, -84.500423 E |
Old GA Hwy 2 becomes unpaved FS64. Continue on FS64. | 1.275177 mi | |||
33.929852 mi | 34.906321 N, -84.512256 E |
Watson Gap. FS22 intersects from right. FS126 ahead. FS64 continues to left. Turn left and continue on FS64. | 3.306251 mi | |||
37.236103 mi | 34.868034 N, -84.514678 E |
Dyer Gap. Finish. | 0. mi | |||