Built in 1847. Originally owned by Dr. John W. Lewis and operated by T.A. Jones.
Ore was dumped in the top of the furnace. Air was blasted in through the tuyere arch on the right (east) side by a set of bellows, powered by a waterwheel. Molten iron flowed out of the casting arch on the front (south) side. Slag also flowed out of the casting arch, presumably to the right of the molten iron.
Extensive slag heaps lie to the right (east) of the furnace.
The rock-armored outflow for the waterwheel lies to the right of the furnace.
Remains of the mill race still line Stamp Creek, also to the right of the furnace.
The foundation of a small building lies to the southwest of the furnace.
The hills to the left and behind the furnace may be old ore stockpiles.
South of the furnace, near the road, there are ruins of another structure which mimic the furnace ruins: a stacked stone structure to the left of a rock-armored waterwheel outflow. Perhaps an older furnace?
See the link for much more detail.
Bartow County Business Hall of Fame (John W. Lewis)
Lewis Iron Blast Furnace
The iron manufacturer's guide to the furnaces, forges and rolling mills of the United States - 1859 (page 77)
Coords: 34.271214 N -84.679570 W
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