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printable map Last Trail Update: 2012-09-21
18 Road
The Ogres Guide - Fruita Bookcliffs Trails
18 Road Trailhead
Total Mileage: (note)
Bike Trail - 30.16 mi
Dirt/Gravel Road - 18.83 mi
Chutes and Ladders (Section 1, Unexplored) - 1.12 mi
Chutes and Ladders (Section 2) - 1.78 mi
Front Side - 0.95 mi
Front Side - The Edge - 1.31 mi
Joes Ridge - 1.51 mi
Kessels - 2.07 mi
Lower Zipity-Doo-Daa (Section 1) - 0.68 mi
Lower Zipity-Doo-Daa (Section 2, Unexplored) - 1.15 mi
Prime Cut (Section 1) - 0.14 mi
Prime Cut (Section 2, Unexplored) - 1.15 mi
Prime Cut (Section 3) - 0.85 mi
Prime Cut (Section 4, Unexplored) - 0.49 mi
Randy Superfly - 1.42 mi
The Edge - 8.07 mi
Upper Zipity-Doo-Daa (Section 1, Unexplored) - 0.95 mi
Upper Zipity-Doo-Daa (Section 2) - 0.94 mi
Vegetarian Loop - 1.64 mi
Western Zipity - 3.93 mi
18 Road - 1.77 mi
18 Road Trailhead Lot - 0.12 mi
Road Over Past Zipity - 0.11 mi
Road Over Past Zipity (Unexplored) - 2.05 mi
Road Paralleling Kessels - 0.92 mi
V 8/10 Road - 6.30 mi
V 8/10 Road Spur - 7.55 mi