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printable map Last Trail Update: 2012-09-21
The Greensboro Watershed Trails include trails at several parks and greenways.
Trails of Greensboro
Bur Mil Park Big Loop Lot
Total Mileage: (note)
Paved Trail - 1.98 mi
Bike Trail - 9.78 mi
Lake Brandt Greenway - 1.88 mi
Lake Brandt Greenway (Unexplored Section 1) - 0.06 mi
Lake Brandt Greenway (Unexplored Section 2) - 0.04 mi
Bur Mil Big Loop - 1.36 mi
Bur Mil Big Loop (Unexplored) - 0.52 mi
Bur Mil Little Loop - 0.40 mi
Owls Roost Trail - 3.71 mi
Wild Turkey Trail - 3.80 mi
Bur Mil Big Loop Parking Lot - 0.15 mi
Bur Mil Club Road - 0.64 mi
Owls Roost Road - 1.14 mi