Rowlett Creek Preserve
in: Dallas/Fort Worth Metro Area
near: Rowlett, Texas

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printable map Last Trail Update: 2020-04-25

DORBA Rowlett Creek Preserve Trail

Rowlett Big Loop - 14.37 mi

Rowlett Creek Preserve

Total Mileage: (note)
Bike Trail - 15.18 mi

1 - 1.64 mi
10 - 0.66 mi
11 - 0.58 mi
12 - 0.83 mi
13 - 0.91 mi
14 - 1.07 mi
1a - 0.72 mi
2 - 0.87 mi
3 - 1.06 mi
4 - 0.71 mi
5 - 0.56 mi
5a - 0.49 mi
5 Shortcut - 0.05 mi
6 - 2.37 mi
7 - 1.53 mi
8 - 0.36 mi
9 - 0.77 mi

Rowlett Creek Preserve Parking Lot - 0.20 mi

All data is presented for reference only. You assume total responsibility and risk associated with using this data.