Camp Thunder
in: Middle Georgia
near: Thomaston, Georgia

show on map
printable map Last Trail Update: 2010-02-19

Georgia MTB - Camp Thunder
Map by Kevin Haywood

Camp Thunder Race Loop - 10.09 mi

Camp Thunder

Total Mileage: (note)
Hiking Trail - 0.62 mi
Bike Trail - 13.66 mi

Moss Falls Trail - 0.62 mi
45 Degree Trail - 0.35 mi
Camp Thunder Trail - 3.35 mi
Camp Thunder Trail Alternate - 1.04 mi
Cemetery Trail - 0.31 mi
Deer Run - 0.93 mi
Deer Run Shortcut - 0.20 mi
Dripping Rocks Trail - 1.40 mi
Fire Run - 1.37 mi
Goat Trail - 0.47 mi
Right-of-Way - 0.24 mi
South Loop - 2.08 mi
Switchback Climb - 1.68 mi
Thundering Springs Road Bypass - 0.23 mi

All data is presented for reference only. You assume total responsibility and risk associated with using this data.